Monday, October 10, 2011

Rock Climbing

I went indoor rock climbing for the first time since May yesterday with my friend Jared!

It was so exhilarating and climbing/belaying came back to me just like riding a bike would.

I always meant to go over the summer at indoor rock climbing places like Rockville or Garden State Rocks, but never had the chance or someone to go with...

Anyway, for those of you that don't know, I started indoor rock climbing at the College Ave Gym at Rutgers Spring 2010. My two best friends, Jess and Christine, and I signed up for this $1 trail climb class offered by Rutgers Recreation and I've been loving it since then. Rock climbing is a great outlet for stress, allows you to push your physical boundaries, and is adventurous! Fall 2010-Spring 2011, my friend Christine and I would climb 2-3 times a week (2-3 hours at a time). We even went on a trip to try outdoor rock climbing. It was a lot of fun, but I personally prefer indoor rock climbing.

I would recommend rock climbing to people that are willing to challenge him/her-self, take responsibility in accomplishing something on their own, make friends, or have fun and try something different! It gives you this positive adrenaline rush and you can really see personal improvement in climbing after just a few weeks. Rock climbing is also a great way to get into shape and meet friends! I know I lost a few pounds doing it and have heard from other rock climbers how much weight they're lost and how much muscle they've gained. It's also a great sport to get other people into. People always seem to be interested in it when they find out I climb, and I've brought about 10 friends to the Rutgers Rock Wall to try it. If you want to join me, I plan to go Sundays 5-8pm this semester!

So, how do you get started?
Well, if you're a Rutgers student, you can climb for free at the Rutgers Rock Wall in the College Ave Gym. It's just $1 for show rental. The first time you go, a staff member will belay you for free. If you want to continue to go, it forces you to get belay certified and get a buddy that is belay certified. The belay class at Rutgers is only $15, or you can learn on your own or from another rock gym (you would just need to get tested by Rutgers). I personally took the class, but taught my friend Jared how to belay afterwards and he passed the test! The wall is open 8-11pm Mon-Fri and 5-8pm Sun.
If you're not a Rutgers student, then you can just google indoor rock walls in your area. The price range for climbing should be about $15-20/day, but there's always discounts for students, groups, kids, etc. so be on the lookout for those!

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